回 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 議程表
2010/8/14~15 日,COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 將於中央研究院舉辦。這裡是開放給大家「揪團」辦 BoF 的地方。所以如果你不知道什麼是 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010,簡單說以下的活動都是:
- 大多會在 8/14 晚間 7:00-9:20 舉行
- 地點一定在中央研究院,詳細區域請見各 BoF 內容。
暫定場地分配(有意見?找柏強 <- 不要蓋我布袋 orz)
- a = Ubuntu Taiwan
(議程組評曰:人這麼多又要放音樂開啪踢,不把他們趕進房間就換我們遭殃了 >_<) - b = Android BoF
- c = Key Signing Party + Gundam Developers
(開發鋼彈這麼重要的事情,當然要跟金鑰扯上關係) - d = Cloud computing
- e = Women go FOSS
- g = HTML5 (人多的話歡迎吃掉 f)
- h = Free culture movie theater
(柏強:教練,我想放電影… 也會開聲音… orz)
++ **##blue|{Topic | 主題名稱}##**
{Description, include when, where. If you just not sure where you can host your BoF, leave it blank and have your attendees check back often | 內容描述,包括時間、地點等,如果你還不確定地點、先留空、要求參加者回來這邊看。}
Expected Attendants / 參加者:
* {Name/id of person in charge | 主辦人名稱}
* {name of attendee}
* {name of attendee}
* (add your name here! 在這裡簽上你的大名)
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Current Topics
Android BoF
A place for those who interested in Android development and technical discussions, or if you just want to meet 宅色夫…
- 發起人: John
- 預定參加者:
- walkingice 沙發! ps. Jserv 人帥真好
- Jeremy
- {預定3號的網路代號}
- nfsnfs #接受偷聽嗎..? XD
- wujiheng
- C.E.W.
- 小迪克
- Joe
- WayneSan
- chy
- 小卓
- (以此類推)
- ggm
HTML5基本上約等於HTML + CSS + JS API + SVG + MathML + … (參考一 參考二),也就是,也就很多Web標準的合體。歡迎討論任何有關HTML5的議題!更歡迎已經開始試用HTML5的人分享心得!另外…說不定會有W3C的八卦喔!科科…
「XML已經完全被拋棄了嗎?」「CSS3最新的進展為何(提示:Apple提出的新標準))「我應該用SVG還是HTML5 Canvas?」「為什麼HTML5的標準式樣裡面採用MathML而不是LaTex?」「WHATWG或是W3C的制定標準的流程為何?我可以加入嗎?」「WHATWG現在在討論什麼樣的新標準(HTML6!?)」
Let's discuss HTML5!!
HTML5 is sort of an umbrella term for HTML + CSS + JS API + SVG + MathML + … (see [1] [2]), or in other words, a huge combination of different Web Standards. Feel free to bring up any issue about HTML and discuss! Sharing experience of using HTML5 are even more welcome. There might be secret info about W3C itself, too. Hehe…
Free to choose whatever language you prefer in the discussion, cause enthusiasm for Web standards are much more important! Just-in-time translations might be possible for many of us!
Sample questions for discussion:
"Is XML abandoned for HTML5?" "What are new in CCS3? (Hint: raised by Apple)" "Which one should I use, SVG or HTML5 canvas?" "Why is MathML speced in HTML5 but not LaTex?" "How does WHATWG or W3C standardization work? May I join the process?" "What kind of new features are WHATWG people investigating into at the moment (HTML6!?)"
- Person in Charge: MikeSmith (W3C HTML5 活動/工作組總招, HTML 5 Activity/Working Group Lead)
- Expected Attendants:
- kennyluck (W3C雜工, W3C handyman) # 我特別想分享一些如何跟外國朋友討論新標準的心得,特別是IRC或是幾個重點的郵件群組
- Az Huang
- carl_tw
- mrmoneyc
- bobchao #放電影的時候會過去亂入一下 XD
- ernestchiang #我好想要有分身…
- AlfredWei #interesting :)
- Orange (XD)
- 徐永謙
- Barney Chen
- Ed/Edouard Lopez (French,English,一點點中文)
- yunglin
- peter
- pingooo
- kayolin
- maxine
- pioneerLike
- C.E.W.
- allenown
- 阿修 lis186
- alicekey
- kcliu
- terrylchen # 我也想去Android和鋼彈開發那邊晃晃啊…
- Dark Shenada
- lancetw
- hishoku
- evenwu
- tkcn
- [要參加的人請把名字寫在這裡喔 : )~][Put your name here if you intend to join us : )~]
Ubuntu Taiwan
想在 COSCUP 時認識更多也在使用 Ubuntu 的朋友嗎?想學會更多 Ubuntu 技巧嗎?趕快來這裡寫下你的名字喔~
Wanna meet more friends using Ubuntu? Wanna learn more Ubuntu tips? Put your name here and come with us!
[由於時間、人力限制,取消供應名牌 ^^"。但當天還是會有 COSCUP 的名牌喔,所以不用擔心認不到人 : )。]
- 發起人(holder): Mosky # 有人要加入 Ubuntu at BoF 籌備團隊嗎?(喊)
- 活動內容(Details):
- 詳細內容未定,定好了會公開在論壇 (www.ubuntu-tw.org) 上喔~
- To be announced. We will provide the details on the forum (www.ubuntu-tw.org)
- 預定參加者(Attendees):
- CrBoy #耶! 頭香!
- BlueT # 耶~兩支香~
- 日落 # 再加一支
- 小Q #耶~我在這!四支香~
- kenshinn #ubuntu 再強化一點吧!一定要讓用 Windows 的羨慕
- RJ #媽~我在這裡~ ._.\-/
- Samael # 耶~湊熱鬧
- mrmoneyc #路過
- CYJ #可以讓我去亂入嘛?
- 阿里不達龍 #討厭~我又打錯名字了= =|| 8/14
- egret
- lR(abbit)
- Dai Lin
- 問號先生(wenhao)
- WM
- Michael Lee
- Buuboo #亂入 +1 XD
- 張旭 # hello world :-)
- Scapegoat
- BSP鄒
- Superbil
- 迷之阿杰(mai7855) #真正的路人~因為…(默)
- 凍仁翔 # 蠻多 topic 想看看,真希望可以來個影分身 XD
- 章·安德魯(Ch_Andrew) # 湊熱鬧+1
- 徐永謙
- itsway
- Barney Chen
- honki (新手上路,請勿拍打)
- YChao # 可以到處逛大街串場嗎?
- Star # 嗯~ 好多場啊!! 應該到處逛逛的~~
- zhong666 #新手加入 囧了!
- maxine
- pioneerLike
- KIKA #先佔名啦QQ
- greener
- $4
- yoyo
- C.E.W.
- wujiheng
- Robert
Free culture movie theater! / 自由文化電影放映室
內容 / What:
- zh
- 放電影 (是的是的,版權沒問題 XD)、吃東西、喝飲料、聊天
- 由於內容性質特殊,所以場地要橋一下,請密切注意大會公告,或常回來看這區。
- en
- We are going to screen a few films during this BoF, all of them are free-culture-related.
- Surely you can have food, drink here. And the most important — talk, share your idea to others.
- The discuss part is mainly in Mandarin, but you are welcome to speak your language.
時間 / When & Where:
- 8/14 19:00-21:20, BoF night (RiP: A Remix Manifesto / RiP: Remix 宣言)
- 8/14 12:00-13:00, 攤位 MozTW booth, bring your lunch and watch movie. (Copyright Criminals - part I / 非法音頻 上集)
- 8/15 12:00-13:00, 攤位 MozTW booth, bring your lunch and watch movie. (Copyright Criminals - part II / 非法音頻 下集)
Expected Attendants / 要參加的簽名,不過到場再來晃也可以啦哈哈:
- BobChao
- mrmoneyc
- petercpg
- brianhsu
- ernestchiang
- 凍仁翔
- 紫色星宇
- legist 強 (林珈宏)
- ryan403
- albb0920
- [要參加的人請把名字寫在這裡喔 : )~]
Community Coordinators meetup / 社群協調者見面會
這不是第一天晚上的 BoF,而是額外約的,請特別注意。
(For you who don't speak Mandarin: We will mainly talk in Mandarin, so you might need to find an interpreter to join us — well, maybe pingooo could help you? Anyway if you want to cooperate with local OSS communities, or you / your company would like to donate for OSS events in Taiwan, welcome. :P )
對象: 無論你是自願或被推坑,人家想要跟某個社群合作時會找你,那你就是歡迎參加的對象了啦。
內容: 見個面聊聊天,看看彼此下半年要幹麼,有什麼可以合作的機會
太多人了,自我介紹就要耗掉 10 幾分鐘,改一下時間地點:
時間 When: 8/15 中午午餐時間 (12:00-13:00)
地點 Where:MozTW 攤位
語言: 漢語、台語 為佳
Sign up here / 參加者簽名:
- BobChao
- pingooo
- mrmoneyc # CYJ 都來了,我也來 lol
- xmotif
- Ray
- Toomore # 帶 pizza 過去吃,應該可以旁聽吧 …
- Timhsu
- kennyluck # 希望找尋有什麼W3C可以參與的機會,及成立Open Data社群的議題
- pofeng ( Open Data 是標準還是推廣開放資料 ? 如是後者, 是不是要找 schee 的 hopendata 啊 ?
- ihower
- BlueT # 喔喔喔這個 BoF 的確不錯 XD 看來得兩邊跑了 XDDDD
- chihchun
- Florence
- legist 強 (林珈宏) 要在電影攤跟這裡兩邊跑了
- egret
- $4
Women go FOSS | 女生參與FOSS
Content: We mainly discuss how to attract more women to join the FOSS world. Both English and Mandarin is welcome!
Audiences: No matter you are already a girl / woman participating a lot in FOSS or not, both are welcome!
發起人 Host: Pockey Lam
時間 When:TBC
地點 Where: TBC
Expected Attendants / 參加者:
- Pockey Lam
- Emily Chen
- greener
- (add your name here! 在這裡簽上你的大名)
Gundam Developers|鋼彈開發者聚會
Content: We will discuss about latest Gundam technologies.
內容: 討論最新的鋼彈技術
對象: 任何正在參與鋼彈開發或進行鋼彈維修的技術人員
發起人: 先進鋼彈技術研究院
時間 When:
地點 Where: Room C
Expected Attendants / 參加者:
- 凍仁翔 # 新專案?不會寫 code 也能參與嘛XD
- RJ # 我也來開分身XD
- (add your name here! 在這裡簽上你的大名)
參與者請出示 Gundam 協會認證等級的金鑰 (10TBits)!
Cloud computing: 台灣雲端運算
Content / 內容: There is a relatively active Hadoop community in Taiwan, but there is not really an active community for other aspects of cloud computing. If you are in the cloud computing space, please join us to discuss how we can build and foster this community.
Audience / 對象: Anyone in the cloud computing space
Host / 發起人: Michael Pan
Time / 時間: 7pm -
Location / 地點 : Room D
Attendees / 參加者: (please add your name here)
- Michael Pan
- pofeng ( 旁聽 :p )
- sakana ( 旁聽)
- 小迪克 ( 旁聽 )
- Dark Shenada
Key Signing Party , 金鑰交換活動
Last updated 8/13 23:20 (+08:00)
Content / 內容 : meeting other PGP users and signing each other's keys. ( 簡單來說就是和人碰面交換金鑰以確定以後電腦收發的資料是同一個人 )
Time / 時間 : about 7:30 pm~ ,
Location / 地點 : (not sure, check back ofter)
Require / 注意事項 :
- Physical attendance / 要本人出席
- Positive picture ID / 需要有照片的證件 ( Passport is good , but Chinese ID is only for local. / 建議帶護照, 中文證件只有本地人可以用)
- Your Key ID, Key type, HEX fingerprint, and Key size / 請完整印紙本出有你 姓名 , 信箱 , 金鑰指紋 , 金鑰長度的小紙條或卡片
- A pen/pencil or whatever you'd like to write with…. / 請帶一枝筆
- NO Computer / 不要帶電腦, 請完全用紙本作業
- If you want to join, please send your ascii-armored public key with the email <dreamerwolf dot tw at gmail dot com> before Saturday, Aug 14, 2 PM (+08:00) . / 請在 8/14 下午兩點之前把純文字公開金鑰寄到我信箱
- Then I will put your information on the google doc pages and Final information / , 然後你就會在 the google doc pages 跟 Final information
- Final information will be signed with my key 0xFCA1F173 and the fingerprint (Shan-Bin Chen (DreamerC) ). / 然後下載 0xFCA1F173 and 檢查金鑰指紋是否正確 (Shan-Bin Chen (DreamerC) ).
- Please check md5, sha1, sha512 sum and print out http://twemu.no-ip.org/git/ksp2010/final_informantion.txt / 檢查 md5 sha1 sha512 這些檢查碼, 然後把 http://twemu.no-ip.org/git/ksp2010/final_informantion.txt 印出來.
Suggestions / 建議事項 :
- Create key with RSA 4096 or higher / 建立一隻 RSA 4096 以上強度的金鑰
- Create this key at Home or Hotel / 請在家裡住的地方產生金鑰
- Your key should be the same name of the ID / 請注意你 key 上面名字的拼寫是否跟護照一樣
- If you need printing service, 7-11 and Family Life have this. / 如果要列印東西的話, 7-11 跟全家有提供服務.
- … (Please add your idea.)
Why do we have this party / 為何有這次活動 :
- For future Debian Developer / 為了未來的新 Debian 開發者
- Debian/Ubuntu Package sharing / 為了以後如果有包套件可以增加安全性
- Resource sharing / 資源共享 (free web service, mail service, network bandwidth, H-Game …)
- … (Please add your idea.)
Read before you sign those keys / 在簽名前請先讀過一次 : ( I will read this for you in that day. / 當天會帶讀一次 )
Host / 發起人 : DreamerC (please remove NOSPAM word / 請把後面的 NOSPAM 拿掉) <dreamerwolf dot tw at gmail dot com>
Attendees / 參加者 (you may use nickname here / 你可以在這裡使用匿名):
- DreamerC (please remove NOSPAM word / 請把後面的 NOSPAM 拿掉) <moc.liamg|wt.flowMAPSONremaerd#moc.liamg|wt.flowMAPSONremaerd>
- BlueT <MAPSONgro.TeulB|TeulB#MAPSONgro.TeulB|TeulB>
- Hychen <moc.liamgMAPSON|nehcyh.gusso#moc.liamgMAPSON|nehcyh.gusso>
- Paul Liu <gro.naibedMAPSON|uilluap#gro.naibedMAPSON|uilluap>
- pioneerLike <moc.liamgMAPSON|ekilreenoip#moc.liamgMAPSON|ekilreenoip>
- $4 <moc.liamg|srallodruof#moc.liamg|srallodruof> # Wikidot 本身就有防 Spam 的功能了 所以不用特別加上 NOSPAM 啦~
- (please add your name and email here / 請在此處填寫姓名跟信箱)
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