Schedule 2009

slides 請按最下方的 灰色 files 按鈕 (Press the grey "file" button near the end of page for slides)


. 8/15 台大應力所(No. 50) 8/15 台大電機博理館 (No. 83)
09:30 - 10:00 A1-1 B1-1
10:00 - 10:30 A1-2 B1-2
10:30 - 11:00 Tea break Tea break
11:00 - 11:30 A1-3 B1-3
11:30 - 12:00 A1-4 B1-4
12:00 - 13:30 午休 午休
13:30 - 14:00 A1-5 B1-5
14:00 - 14:30 A1-6 B1-6
14:30 - 15:00 A1-7 B1-7
15:00 - 15:30 Tea break Tea break
15:30 - 16:15 大會演講-1 x
16:15 - 17:00 大會演講-2 x
17:00 - 18:00 閃電演講 x
18:00 - BOF x
. 8/16 台大應力所(No. 50) 8/16 台大電機博理館 (No. 83)
09:30 - 10:00 A2-1 B2-1
10:00 - 10:30 A2-2 B2-2
10:30 - 11:00 Tea break Tea break
11:00 - 11:30 A2-3 B2-3
11:30 - 12:00 A2-4 B2-4
12:00 - 13:30 午休 午休
13:30 - 14:00 A3-1 B3-1
14:00 - 14:30 A3-2 B3-2
14:30 - 15:00 A3-3 B3-3
15:00 - 15:30 Tea break Tea break
15:30 - 16:00 A3-4 B4-1
16:00 - 16:30 A3-5 B4-2
16:30 - 17:00 A3-6 B4-3

Bollywood songs lyrics
Latest song
Bollywood song
* Hugh Blemings ( Engineering Manager, Canonical ): Canonical in Ubuntu community
* slide
* Jim Grisanzio (Senior Program Manager, SUN ): Contributing to the OpenSolaris Project
* slide
* video:

  • 贊助單位技術演講:
    • Linpus: Moblin and Android on Netbooks: Opportunities and challenges
    • Canonical: Barzaar and Launchpad: Development in virtual environment
    • 宏普科技(Thecus): 網路儲存(NAS)平台上的開放式模組開發
    • SUN: Have Fun with Sun SPOT
    • MS: 三十分鐘帶你的PHP上雲端
    • QNAP: NAS 的無限可能 – QPKG
    • OSSF: OSSF: FOSSology - 開放源碼軟體授權分析工具
    • 資策會: 確定無講題
    • Pixnet: 確定無講題
    • 巴哈姆特: 確定無講題
    • KKBOX: 確定無講題

演講的錄影正由工作人員上傳到 YouTube 中,正確的網址將會貼在大會議程網頁上。 2009/8/20

video list:

  • A2 : Netbook Operating System and Libraries
    • 江家豪 Terence Chiang (Senior Technical Marketing Engineer, Intel): Clutter - The Animation UI Framework on Mobile Device
    • 林政道 Stephen Lim (百資 總經理): Moblin and Android on Netbooks: Opportunities and challenges
    • 錢逢祥 "Fred Chien",陳品勳 "penk" : LXDE and xPUD
    • Sascha Pallenberg (Editor in Chief, : Cloud Computing - An opportunity for Linux netbooks
  • A3 : Android Development
    • 陳官辰 "freedom" (工研院) : Porting Android to x86 MID
    • 廖世偉 Shih-wei Liao (Tech Lead, Google): Smaller and Faster Android: Optimization and Toolchain Perspective
    • wallkingice (0xlab): How Android Differs from GNU/Linux? And How can we FIX it ?
    • gasolin: Android Scripting Environment 簡介
    • Dave Sparks (Tech Lead, Google): Android Media Framework (en)
    • Chia-I Wu "olv" (0xlab) : Android Wave Is Not Google Wave ( Leveraging Linux DRI 3D Acceleration into Android software stack )
  • 主持人
    • 8/15 應力所 A1 (Web) BobChao
    • 8/15 應力所 大會演講 Jouston
    • 8/15 應力所 閃電演講 cclien
    • 8/15 博理館 B1 (硬體) freedom(陳官宸)
    • 8/16 應力所 A2 (小筆電) Jouston
    • 8/16 應力所 A3 (Android) Jimmy 黃
    • 8/16 博理館 B1 (工具-1) pofeng(?)
    • 8/16 博理館 B2 (推廣) BobChao
    • 8/16 博理館 B3 (工具-2) YurenJu(?)
  • 助理主持人
    • 8/15 應力所上午: 多多
    • 8/15 應力所下午 (含A1下午、大會演講及閃電快講): Smallfish
    • 8/15 博理館: Gina
    • 8/16 應力所上午: 多多
    • 8/16 應力所下午: Smallfish
    • 8/16 博理館上午: Jovita
    • 8/16 博理館下午: Gina
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